Common Causes of Crane Failure
Cranes are valuable equipment in a variety of industries, including building and manufacturing. They are used to lift and carry large items within work zones efficiently. Many undertakings would take far longer and be much more challenging to finish without them.
However, you can not always ensure your crane will be running at its peak ability, and it will fail at some point throughout its career. Knowing how a crane might be damaged is the best way to avoid an issue during an operation.
When you can’t prevent an issue, it’s best to get help as soon as possible. Crane repair services in St. Louis, MO, such as those provided by Shannahan Crane & Hoist, can help you avoid more catastrophic consequences.
Electrical Issues
The operation of a crane is powered by electricity in a hydraulic system. These gadgets are usually quite long-lasting. Overuse or overheating, on the other hand, may reduce their lifespan. As a result, the crane may not operate at all or may shut down at random moments.
In addition to periodic inspections, there are a few strategies for avoiding this problem. To begin, let your crane cool down before operating it again. This rest period will re-energize it in the same way that a power sleep does for people. To reduce stress and friction, ensure that the crane’s wires are properly lubricated.
Bending Hooks
You will almost probably be doing a lot of heavy lifting when operating a crane. Crane hooks are made of strong materials, so even the most small-looking hook can lift tons of weight, making the job easier. Yet, like with any type of machine, repeated use will weaken it and lead it to become misshaped.
When a hook loses its shape, it can have a variety of unpleasant and disastrous consequences. Along with not being able to handle as much weight, a bent hook may allow heavy products to slide from its grasp and fall into the ground or onto someone. To avoid such disasters, update your hooks frequently or add a latch to hooks that may use them.
Lifting weights that are far too heavy for the crane’s capacity is one of the most common mistakes crane operators make. Some people may utilize this to finish a project quicker or when they find themselves falling behind their set schedule. This, however, could compromise your entire system and cause the wire to break.
To avoid costly repairs or replacements, you should always be aware of how much weight your crane can support. If you are still unsure whether a load is too large, speak with your project supervisor before proceeding. Take loads in intervals if possible. Even if it takes a bit longer, it is the safer option.
Plan Regular Inspections
The best way to ensure that your crane functions correctly is to have it inspected by a professional. Even if you know how a crane works and how to care for it properly, annual inspections are required.
Shannahan Crane & Hoist is the best company for the job. Their company sells, produces, and services various cranes. Because of their experience, they are qualified to do inspections. If they discover an issue, they have the equipment to fix it, so you won’t have to call another contractor.
The most critical aspect of avoiding crane failure is ensuring that the equipment is operated correctly. Shannahan Crane & Hoist can help you with any extra training you need or address any issues you have about your operational abilities. Safety comes first, and they will make sure that even the most seasoned specialist is aware of any mistakes they are making.
Every machine is going to break down over time, but there are numerous ways to reduce the frequency with which this occurs. With a little care and support from Shannahan Crane & Hoist, your crane will be able to go on in all of your future undertakings.